
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jason. For the love of God

Posting a note to myself.  One of the first blogs I read regularly in 2006 (that wasn't a tatting blog) was this one.  It was called (you guessed it)  "Jason. For the love of God."  That Chick Over There regularly kept me in stitches with her thoughts, prose and rants.

Then came the sad, sad day when I noticed her RSS feed hadn't updated in awhile.  The while stretched longer and longer until I resigned myself that I would no longer get to read her thoughts on life. It was like a light had gone out in the world.

Fast forward to today. While making preparations for the July 1st demise of Google Reader, I noticed a new (to me) post!  It directed readers to a new blog.... *drumroll*
That Chick Over There You might also know me as Stephanie Snowe. I'm a mom, a wife, a writer, and a blogger. Oh and people think I'm hilarious and they are right. has her own domain: Stephanie Snowe: The Blog!

Oh how I have missed you, Chick.  Settling in for a leisurely read.  It is a good day.

Carol Lawecki asked for information on what alternatives exist for Google Reader. Here is what I found:

  • Flipboard -  lets you compose and share personalised magazines. It's very well done.
  • Reeder -  available on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It takes your Google Reader subscriptions and presents them in a "clean and well-lighted" way.
  • Digg Reader - ready to save power users from Google Reader shutdown
  • Feedly - a highly customizable app, offered as an app on iOS and Android, and as extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on your laptop or desktop. has a nice graphic summarizing options:  Google Reader's going away, but...

Hope this helps!


  1. I will have to check out her blog. Thanks for posting this.

    Do you know what it replacing google reader? I don't use google reader on my Igoogle home page, but I don't know how I even set it up to follow different blogs. Could you point me in the right direction as to how to set up whatever is replacing the google reader, I'd appreciate it.
    Carol lawecki @ verizon . net

  2. Love Stephanie's blog! Thanks for the link.
    Fox : )

  3. Thanks for your help IsDihara! I will look into alternatives. I just have to figure out how to set it up with everything I already follow.

    Love your blog! Your tatting is always beautiful!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Aw, thanks for your kind compliments, Carol. *blush*

    You'll get your RSS feeds sorted out without too much trouble. Most options are going out of their way to make the transition smooth for worries RSS users. They want to keep you, in the event Google revamps Google Reader and rolls it into their Google + product.

  6. I moved to Feedly about a month ago and like it, not love it but like it.

    Thank you for the blog. I know when you suggest something to go right away and get/sign up. Be careful with your power!

  7. I haven't yet gone over to check out the blog but do plan to. If you say it's a fun read I believe you.
    Thanks for the info on the RSS feeds. Don't really know how much of that I use but I'm sure I'll find out July 1st‼
