
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Blogess

Another blog I cannot get enough of is The Blogess. Author Jenny Lawson's audacity has generated many blog success stories and a book!

WARNING:  Her personality is addictive and outrageous. Snort-your-drink, wet-your-pants funny.

If I had a tiny fraction of her chutzpah I'd be a wealthy woman. She is brazen and cheeky and I love reading her posts.

Like this one:  Does this cat make me look fat?

Thank you, CrazyMom, for turning me on to this humdinger of a blog.


  1. The other is Hyperbole and a half although she hasn't posted in quite a while. Look for the "alot". Or the "birthday cake". I, too, thank CM for the Bloggess.

  2. You are more than welcome!!!

    I love me a good snort!

  3. Thanks for the link. I've been over there reading a lot longer than I thought I was...

    PS the proof-I'm-not-a-robot word is: 'sarcastic'

  4. i grabbed her from Crazy Mom too, she can poke pins in fat egos on occasion.
