
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Ribbon for Me? SQUEEEEEEEE!

2013 county fair results

Remember in December 2011 when Jon Yusoff first told us of Tatting Treasures Unearthed and began sharing her diagrams of Norma Benporath's lace patterns? Her announcement was the beginning of a tat-along wherein Lace Mats were made by tatters all over the globe.

It was great fun participating in the tat-along. Choosing the colors, creating the lace, marveling at 35 other magnificent mats and voting in the secret poll; all of it sheer delight.

Thank you, Jon, for hosting an event that resulted in my first county fair blue ribbon.

That's right, a blue ribbon! Squeee!

A closer look at the Lace Mat
Only two entries were submitted in the tatting category this year.  (There were five last year.) The other entry was a lovely oval doily done in needle tatting by my friend Sw4nkyL4c3r.

2013 county fair ribbon winner - tatting

I was stunned and nearly hyperventilated when I saw Sw4nkyL4c3r's doily with a red ribbon.  (I am not making this up.) So sure was I that hers was a shoe-in for the blue, that I froze, looking around for some other entry that wasn't there -- afraid to look at my own.  I was sure that if hers got a red, then mine surely received either white (third) or nothing at all.  It was only after I couldn't find any other entry that I peeked at mine.  Even then I didn't believe my eyes.

OK, enough of all that. I have since calmed down.

I demonstrated tatting at the county fair this past Sunday and here is a photo taken by a kind bystander.

IsDihara at the county fair
(Check out the sneak peek of charity wall hanging!)
The Tat Days charity project was sponsored by the Piedmont Palm Frond and I am so proud of the work we have done. This wall hanging is ADORABLE with its playful penguins frolicking on glacial ice. Lots of cute details to make all Tat Days participants say, "Awwwwwwwww!"

Please consider making a donation to the fund-raising auction, whether or not you are able to attend the tatting conference in Toccoa, GA.


  1. Oh congratulations! It's. very lovely and well deserves a blue!

  2. Many congratulations, I am having a drink in celebration this minute!!!

  3. WELL DONE on the ribbon. You so deserve it.

  4. Woo hoo! Congratulations on the blue ribbon! Excellent, excellent! Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

  5. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

  6. How wonderful! Congratulations, IsDihara!
    Fox : ))

  7. Congratulations on you win, it's a beautiful mat.

  8. Woot! Woot! Woot!

    You go, missy. It's about time your talent was recognized!

  9. Congratulations! Your colors are beautifully chosen, the design is a delight, and paired with your exquisite could it not win!!! You did wonderfully :-)

  10. Congratulations! I am totally oblivious as to when two county fairs close to me are held. I usually hear about them after they're over. Denise keeps saying we should enter. Maybe next year...

  11. Wow! That's pretty awesome!!! Congratulations!!! Well deserved

  12. Congrats! All the tatting looks wonderful! :)

  13. Congrats!!! Beautiful pattern there too.
