
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can You See It? Teapot Art

While browsing teapots, I saw this teapot autostereogram and thought I'd share the love. So long as I post a direct link back I am permitted to post the image, so have fun staring until the teapot emerges from the repeating pattern of dots.

If you are able to see the 3D image, let me know what you see. I have never been able to perceive 3D shapes hidden within an autostereogram. Just can't seem to trick my eyes into focusing or unfocusing or whatever.

Source link: teapots teapots teapots: Happy New Year


  1. Oh, I LOVE these things!!

    Yeah, you gotta get up close (which makes you sort of cross your eyes), look beyond a bit and just let it come into focus. This one showed up faster than I expected. It looks like you are looking downward toward the teapot - you can see the lid as well as the side and handle. Very pretty!

  2. Ohmigosh! For the first time ever in my life, my brain did whatever brains are supposed to do and I caught a glimpse of the teapot. As my French professor from university used to say, Incroyable!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I CANNOT SEE IT! No matte how I cross my eyes, bring the screen to my nose, cross my eyes!
    Fox ' (

  5. Fox, try looking beyond the image to an imaginary point behind it.

    I pretended to look at a lightpost off in the distance (these crazy visualizations/rationalizations help me sometimes) while my eyes were crossing. The "looking beyond" thing was new to me. It seemed to do the trick, if only for a few moments.

  6. I tried also, I just can't relax my eyes enough to see anything. LOL!

  7. I love these things. Get up real close to your screen then slowly pull back. Do not try to focus your eyes. Or, just keep staring without trying to focus or try crossing your eyes. I have a whole book of these things and I really enjoy these. It took me a while to "train" my eyes to see them but once you've got it....

  8. I too like to look at the different images you can find in these. one thing that helped with this one, is to click on it so it opens in a new tab (hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the image) it then is larger and I found it easier to find the teapot sitting in mid air above the table.
    Thanks for the fun.

  9. Yup I can see it too. It gets easier with practice so your eyes just suddenly snap into focus in a new plane. never sure whether it's good for the eyes or not!
    Very cool teapot, glad you got it in the end IsDihara.

  10. I came back over to see if I could see the teapot, :( No Luck. No matter how much I stare or pull back, I just can't see it. Oh Well... Where did you find this, maybe I can a different one and see if that works. Have a great day.

  11. I came back over to see if I could see the teapot, :( No Luck. No matter how much I stare or pull back, I just can't see it. Oh Well... Where did you find this, maybe I can a different one and see if that works. Have a great day.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Me too. :( Try as I might, my brain does not go here! I looked online at tons of stuff and I just do not see any of it. Yet another avenue in which to march to my own drummer...... Ah well, at least I recognize tatting from crochet! : ))

  14. Cute little teapot! I've loved these things for years. I used to have books of them, but found out looking at them for hours would give me a headache.

  15. I have a book too and I agree with you Marty about the headache or pre headache, even after a few pages. I don't look at it anymore, in fact I had forgotten all about it. Not something I would want on my wall!

  16. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I always see these things inside out~..
    I see the outline of a teapot, but it looks like a mold of a teapot, like you could pour plaster in it and have a nice little teapot when it dried. Hmm. Neat thing though, after you see it, if you lean back slowly, it comes out from the computer in a really big way!
