
Friday, August 28, 2009

Motif # 3 of 25 Motif Challenge

Ta-Daaa! The tatting that has consumed my heart, mind and soul this week stems from a study of negative space in the Design_Tat class. I used Lizbeth size 20 cotton thread in the color Mocha Brown Medium. It measures seven (7) inches across.

It is not blocked, as I am already preparing to tat it again in HDT. (With a few tweaks to help it hold its shape better.) Can you tell what shape I was going for? Here's a clue .

Ugh! I goofed and scanned it with the wrong side up, so if you look closely you will see the unsightly knot where I started and stopped. Nonetheless, it represents a milestone in my tatting development: my first original design.

Oh no! I just read through a past post from Threads of a Tatting Goddess' blog and saw the following passage:
"We were to design the next round of a center motif. The only rule was to join at the 4 picots on the original center motif."
Take another look at my motif. See the stunning lack of joined picots on the central motif? Oh, the horror! The mortification! All that work and I failed to follow the one, simple rule of the lesson.

Well at least I hadn't uploaded it yet. So dear readers, you are the only ones who will know the truth. (Still, the motif is quite pretty.)

My lot is to start over, making a whole new design. But this one still counts as motif #3 for the 25 motif challenge, so at least the work wasn't all for naught.

Milles mercis, Tatting Goddess, for stopping me before I completely embarrassed myself in front of the class.


  1. I like your motif -- doesn't matter for your designing process if you followed the parameters of the lesson or not. This one is very pretty, and you can do another one to conform to the class lesson -- especially now that you are an experienced designer!

  2. Your tatting is lovely - and so is the design, even if it is not what was intended!

    I LOVE the picture of that cathedral! It is so gorgeous - the colours are marvellous. What an inspiration for a piece of tatting!o Good luck with it. Fox : )

  3. Your motif is wonderful. I am so struggling with designing to join only at the picots. I looked at yours and my eyes popped open. Trying so hard not to influenced by anybody else.

  4. I was so impressed by your design that I didn't notice the rule-breaking! Nice design, nevertheless :) I was lucky to just figure out how to get around the central motif . . .

  5. I haven't even started on lesson 4 yet lol!

  6. It's a wonderful to be very proud of...rules or no rules.

  7. While you might not have followed the directions from your design class lesson, It looks to me like you followed the design in the picture very well.
    congrats. now all you have to do is give your round a slight shift around the circle and you are ready to go.

  8. Love it! It would look great on a pillow!

  9. Acckkkk! You mean it's my fault you thought you didn't follow the rules???? Oh heavens....rules are made to be broken! Post it anyway - you'll find a creative way to adapt it to the chains with picots. In fact, I'll bet if you put a picot on every chain in the center motif and made the same joins would only be slightly different. Try it!

  10. To TattingChic, Marty, Fox, Tatskool, A Happy Bluebird, Krystle, LadyShuttleMaker, LadyTats, victats and Gina!

    Thank you, thank you, for your kind and marvelous comments about my motif.

    Gina, please don't think it is in any way your fault! Oh my goodness, no! I was so caught up in "tatting up and out" to create negative space that I skipped right over the part about joining only to the picots provided.

    You all should know that I was the kid in school who always sat in the front and paid attention. Never passed notes, always turned in my homework on time, etc. (Yeah, THAT kid.) That's where my mortification comes from. Kinda funny, actually!

    And of course, you all are absolutely right. Rules are made to be broken!

    Thanks for some much needed perspective!

  11. Thank you, csipkelelku. So glad you like it!

  12. Beautiful design. I personally have a hard time thinking around negative space. You did an excellent job.
