
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Insider (Germ) Trading &
Motif #4 of 25 Motif Challenge

School is back in session and the first wave of germ-trading has begun. The Sprout is not even enrolled in preschool. Three days into the school term he got sick and developed an ear infection.

So Tatting Tea Tuesday finds me blogging from bed, cuddled close to an alternately teary and talkative boy. He has been watching cartoons (Toy Story, Little Einsteins, Dinosaur Train or Pinky & The Brain). We have also read several books and even made up a few stories to break up the monotony.

Tatting under these conditions is not easy, but I have managed to finish this little something. It is tatted in Manuela size 20.

Tiara ~ Motif #4 for 25 Motif Challenge

Tiara is my latest experiment with stabilizing chains. I worked rings after short series of chains and used a split ring-chain combo to add more strength. The design ended up being wavy and square.

Overall, I am pleased with the results even though it turned out to be a bit more ornate than I expected. Stability and negative space are both good. It makes a nice motif #4 for the 25 Motif Challenge.
** UPDATE **
Thank you, one and all, for your lovely well-wishes! I am happy to report that The Sprout has rebounded with new-found toddler energy and gumption after completing his course of antibiotics. We head to the pediatricians on Tuesday, 9/22/09, to verify that the ear infection is, indeed, gone. If so, they plan to administer a flu shot. So more teary, out-of-sorts tantrums and cartoon marathons may be in store for the days ahead.


  1. Very pretty motif! We've been in school 4 weeks tomorrow, and my daughter is already on her second cold (she teaches high school social studies). Knock on would... I've only had sinus problems related to fall allergies so far! I hope your son feels better soon!

  2. I can't wait to see the pattern you post for this one! I can't figure how you've done it from the picture...

  3. Thanks for your nice compliments on the motif and the well wishes, Diane!

    Krystle, the pattern is written out in short form (so far) and I will be uploading it to the Design-Tat group's files folder later tonight.

    If you or anyone wants to tat it and don't have access to the Yahoo group, let me know and I will post the pattern here too.

  4. Hope you son feels better soon. My kids are all out of school and married, so I don't have that to worry about (yeah, right, just that I don't get it!) Like your motif, looks very nice!

  5. I Hope that your son feels better
    Tour motif is very nice
    Happy tatting ! I'll come back on your lovely blog
    ancolie from France

  6. I drive for a school and already have had 3 of my specials children down. I just keep that disinfectent wipes out and hope I don't get anything! Love your motif. Being square possiblites are endless. Hope your little guy is back on his feet agin real soon.

  7. Thanks for all the good wishes and compliments from tattrldy, ancolie and TAT19540.

    Tatters always have such super-great screen names!

  8. Very pretty! I love the look of this.

    Hope the sprout fares well with this time of year.

    ~TattingChic ♥

  9. Aw, *blushes* you honor me with your praise, TattingChic.

    And what I said above about tatters having super-great screen names most definitely applies to you too!
