
Monday, September 21, 2009

Win a Year of Lace

Re-Tweeting @yearoflace: As an aspiring tatting lace designer who dabbles in knitted lace, I would love to win a subscription to the 2010 Year of Lace! Sign me up!

Click on the "Sign me up" link above to go to the website.

If you Twitter, don't go sign up or you'll make it harder for me to win. Just kidding and good luck!

Source: @yearoflace: Have you entered the contest yet for a free 2010 subscription? Tweet why you love the Year of Lace and use the hashtag #yearoflace.


  1. I have fixed the offending code (cut it out and recreated the correct link by hand) so that the 2010 Year of Lace link now works.

    The others were Twitter tags and I guess blogger doesn't accept them.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. It will work now.
