
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Motif #18 - If He Only Had a Brain

Nutmeg the Christmas camel
Design © 2002 Dolly Hollander

Through no fault of his own, poor Nutmeg has become an unfortunate Christmas camel.

I didn't bother to block him (for reasons to be explained) but will still count him toward my 25 Motif Challenge.

Motif #18 - Christmas Camel
Nutmeg is tatted with Lizbeth #671 Christmas Red, #638 Christmas Green and Tatskool's Nutmeg HDT. All size 20.

He has a size 11/0 black seed bead for his eye and size 8 gold seed beads for his saddle. The flat scan doesn't do it justice, as the saddle bows out slightly for a lovely 3D effect.

Here is a link to Tatskool's Christmas camel from 2007. Hers is decked out so handsomely in his Christmas finery.

A Series of Unfortunate Decisions
Poor Nutmeg's neck is all out of whack so I didn't finish his bridle and reins. But the problem is not with the pattern.

He was coming along so well until I missed a join behind his ears, resulting in a misshapen neck and disturbing lack of brain.

(Now Nutmeg has something in common with a certain Scarecrow.)

Of course, decapitation is an option. I could tat him a brainy new head.

Would you fix him or leave him to suffer his fate?

While I don't consider this next bit to be an unfortunate decision, I would reduce the stitch count if I were to tat it again:
I tatted Nutmeg's tail using Jane Eborall's marvelous Padded Double Stitch technique. But I didn't adjust the stitch count so his tail is a bit long.

Okay, I am done being my own worst critic. Whew! Aren't you glad that's over?

Let me stress that this is a wonderful pattern. Tatskool downloaded it from the Internet a few years ago. When I asked her if she could share a link, she was able to screen grab the pattern for me using the Wayback Machine. But my Wayback Machine searches have turned up bupkus. I am not sure where you can find it now.

ADDENDUM: I was lucky enough to stumble upon her phone number and spoke with Dolly on the phone this evening. What a delightful person she is! She shared a trick with me for stiffening lace using Future Acrylic Shine Floor Wax. Thank you, Dolly, for taking the time to chat!

E-mail Dolly Hollander privately at the email listed at the top of this post to request a copy of the Christmas camel pattern.


  1. What a cute camel! I think he looks fine, just the way he is. Time to hop on and take a camel ride:)

  2. I agree - very cute as is! He has character and personality.
    Fox : )

  3. I think he is adorable the way he is.

  4. I think he is fine he doesnt need any tweeking!

  5. Thank you all for your kind compliments. Camels should have loads of personality, after all, and you all have helped me regain a proper perspective.

  6. Perhaps a great title: Decapitating the Camel! Has a certain ring to it, n'est-ce pas?

    Sorry - could not resist the urge when I thought of it!
    Fox ; )
