
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

♥ Lizbeth® is here ♥ - Part 2

Or how the UTJ Flair Button was born.
(Just joking. You ladies crack me up.)

Lizbeth® Purple Iris Dk #647, Purple Iris Lt #646
and Purple Iris Fusion #162

This photo shows off the crystal better than the thread, but it still gets the job done. I am in a purple rapture over this combination.

Lizbeth® Purple Iris Dk #647, Purple Iris Lt #646
and Purple Iris Fusion #162

This photo gives you a much better idea of the colors.

At the risk of unrecoverable blasphemy, these purples give me that "lift me up to meet Jesus" feeling. (Oh Lord, I apologize.)

Lizbeth® Magenta Dk. #618 , Magenta Med. #617
and Raspberry Frappe #157

Wait, there are more! I am not a "pink person." But Barbara Foster had me drooling with her description of Raspberry Frappe before I ever saw a color sample. So let me hold up my head proudly and say THIS is thread even a pink-hater can love.

Because I really do.

Leps may be mischievous, even masters of misdirection, but they don't lie. Ciarrán "leapt" right in to the thread pool. And you?

One last photo -- but you have to scroll down to yesterday's post to see it. The image of the "blues trio" needed to be shared, so I grabbed a snippet of tatted lace that I "rescued" from a flea market and took another photo so you could see how great these "blues brothers" look together.


  1. Stop it, stop, can't stand anymore new threads!
    Purples are my favourites and no I'm not a pink person either but this one looks fab.

  2. They all look lovely! I'm definately going to have to dip into my pocket and get some of these. The picture you added to yesterday's post of the "blues brothers" shows them off wonderfully.

    Should we start a 12 step program for UTJ? Except it's how to do more thread instead of do with less????

  3. All those new colours!! My mouth is watering!! I think it is time to put in an order and make sure to get a new colour chart too!!!

  4. I can't take anymore! Th Dr. Strangelove Tatting Finger is poised to strike and strike HARD on the PayPal key!

    And I just got back from NYC where enough $damage$ was perpetrated!

    The threads are certainly most drool-worthy.
    Fox ; )
