
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

♥ Lizbeth® is here ♥

Feast your eyes on the new Lizbeth colors. My order arrived yesterday in the afternoon post.

Were they worth the wait? Oh yeah!

Honest and sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart to every person who submitted color suggestions and/or names for this latest batch of threads. Whether or not your suggestion(s) were chosen, you have helped shape some of the most desirable (IMHO) color mixes in the Lizbeth® line.

And the best part? You get the colors that you want!

Disclaimer: I do not get any compensation from Handy Hands whatsoever. I am just a happy customer (& self-professed UTJ *) caught up in thread-induced euphoria.

* Unrepentant Thread Junkie

Lizbeth® Sea Island Citrus

Light, idyllic Sea Island Citrus (#161) goes so beautifully with my favorite Pashmina wrap. Aren't the colors a perfect match?

You'll dream of balmy skies and ocean breezes while you tat. (OK, it's me doing the dreaming...but why not you too?)

Lizbeth® Niagara Falls and Lizbeth® Sea Island Citrus
with Ciarrán and a cool canine companion

Ciarrán begged to bring this crazy salt shaker into the picture saying it added perspective. I think he just wanted face time.

Lizbeth® Easter Eggs and Lizbeth® Country Kitchen

These next two are medleys of muted pastel perfection. On the left is Lizbeth® Easter Eggs and on the right, Lizbeth® Country Kitchen. Mine is just one humble opinion, but I think these are well suited for Easter tatting, baby items, friendship gifts, handkerchief edgings and more.

The handkerchief was given to my grandmother (may she rest in peace) in 2001 by Shirley Carmona from Galt, CA. She kept it with her until the day she died and then it was passed on to me.

Lizbeth® Easter Eggs, Lizbeth® Country Kitchen
and Lizbeth® Niagara Falls

Much like its namesake, Niagara Falls thread neatly straddles the divide between two of my favorite blue variegated threads: Peacock Blues #149 and Turquoise Twist #142. If you are a "blues" lover, Niagara Falls rounds out the pair, making a pretty trio.

The "blues brothers"

Six more juicy, sun-drenched shades are waiting in the wings, so come back tomorrow for more thread euphoria!


  1. And I see you are a size 40 junkie too....

    I want some thread!

    Hello, my name is Crazy Mom, and I'm an Unrepentant Thread Junkie.

  2. Love looking at new threads, they make my mouth water, or my fingers itch - no I just want them!!!!
    Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

  3. Oh, I think I'm a UTJ as well. I feel a strong need to order more thread. I love being able to walk into Hobby Lobby to buy Lizbeth threads, but they only carry the size 20 in this region. I'm drooling over the Sea Island Citrus!

  4. Oh, heck - I see a big hole in my wallet (read Paypal) going to happen now!!!!!

  5. I also received some size 40 Lizbeth thread today! Oh, how I love the colors! I ordered a few of the new ones, and a few of the ones I already love. Now all I need is time to tat!

  6. I was just over on Handy Hands sight yesterday and saw the new colors. I was already drooling and then you do a wonderful job of showing them off. And more tomorrow! Oh, you are such an enabler! I think I, too, will need to spend a little (lot) on thread very soon.

    Hello, my name is Wanda, and I'm an Unrepentant Thread Junkie.

  7. Sea Island Citrus is unbelievable!
    Fox : )

  8. Isn't it interesting how so many of Lizbeth's color names make you think of being on vacation? It's been a while since I've checked out new colors. Now I'm gonna have to go blow my savings, thanks! :P

  9. I love all the colors and unbeliveable more are coming!!!

  10. I am a UTJ, and am impatiently waiting for my first ever Lizbeth order to arrive!
    Your colors are gorgeous!
